What’s To Come Is Calling Back
Space and time are compressed in NYC. The beginning is the end and the end is the beginning.
I set up a studio at the top of an elevator shaft in the west village and recorded this album.
When we first went into lockdown, I knew that I needed somewhere to channel all of the insanity I was feeling. I started a songwriting group called “The Social Distance Songwriting Series” and invited about 20 of my songwriter friends. My plan was that every Monday I would send out some guidelines to follow or rebel against, and every Sunday everyone would drop a new track into a shared folder. I gave the whole project an 8 week limit, cause I thought the pandemic would probably blow over by then (smart thinking, Oliver). Halfway through the series I realized I was making an album. That album became The Lockdown Hustle.
Smartphone Mixtape was mostly recorded on a reasonably smart phone. It was an exploration in mobile recording, and setting up a studio in any inspiring place I could. I asked myself the hard questions: “Do I really need a Neve Console?” “Do I have to use a Telefunken mic?” Nein und nein! This album was recorded in BK, NY // Warwick, NY // LA, CA // Joshua Tree, CA // Stockholm, Sweden // Berlin, Germany.